Post archive - plastic

B Corp Interview with Aneisha Soobroyen from Scrumbles

B Corp Season 2 Interview – Aneisha Soobroyen from Scrumbles

Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
B Corp Season 2 Interview - Aneisha Soobroyen from Scrumbles

Hello and welcome to our second series of Green Elephant B Corp business interviews. B Corporations, or B Corps for short, are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose Throughout this series, we are chatting

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Green Elephant Show No 25 covering the latest sustainability news

Sustainability News 2nd December

Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
Sustainability News 2nd December

The latest sustainability news, fun, facts and reviews from the Green Elephant for 2nd December 2020. Top stories: 01:05 – US greenhouse gas emissions see historic plummet 01:05 – Greenhouse gases hit record levels despite COVID-19 lockdowns 22:05 – China gets tough on firms over single-use plastics 06:10 Leave a

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Green Elephant Show No 15 covering the latest sustainability news

Sustainability News 18th September

Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
Sustainability News 18th September

The latest sustainability news, fun, facts and reviews from the Green Elephant for 18th September 2020. Top stories: Wildfires have burned 2.3M acres across California this year Mass deaths of migratory birds reported in New Mexico How Big Oil Misled The Public Into Believing Plastic Would Be Recycled Last year,

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Green Elephant Sustainability News 28th August 2020

007 Sustainability News 28th August

Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
007 Sustainability News 28th August

The latest sustainability news, fun, facts and reviews from the Green Elephant for 28th August 2020. Top stories: Earth Overshoot Day: When consumption outstrips the planet’s eco resources Proposed UK law pushes accountability for Amazon products Rare dolphin species spotted in the Adriatic Sea Mauritius: Anger and questions as 17

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Green Elephant Sustainability News 21st August 2020

Sustainability News 21st August

Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
Sustainability News 21st August

The latest sustainability news from the Green Elephant for 21st August 2020. Top stories: Facebook tells Elizabeth Warren it has two different standards for climate fact-checking Facebook left 6,500 gallons of drilling fluid off the coast of Oregon World’s highest temperature, 130F, recorded in Death Valley New Research Shows Companies

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Green Elephant Sustainability News 31st July 2020

Sustainability News 31st July

Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
Sustainability News 31st July

The latest sustainability news from the Green Elephant for 31st July 2020. Top stories: Climate stories on social media – can they be believed? Nepals plans to turn fog into filtered water Plastic waste flows into the ocean set to triple by 2040 – is this as bad as it

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Supermarket sustainability heroes or villains

004 Supermarket sustainability, Heroes or villains?

Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
004 Supermarket sustainability, Heroes or villains?

Overview The last 50 years have seen a fundamental shift in the way we all shop for groceries. We used to go to the bakers, the butchers, the grocers, the chemists and the newsagents but instead we now go to Tesco, Aldi, Lidl, Sainbury’s Walmart, Carrefour and Yonghui! In this

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Million Plastic Bottles

A million plastic bottles are bought every single minute

A million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute and the number will jump another 20% by 2021 Annual consumption of plastic bottles is set to top half a trillion by 2021, far outstripping recycling efforts and jeopardising oceans, coastlines and other environments Source:

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