Post archive - supermarkets

Green Elephant Show 005 Coronavirus Normality or What's normal.

005 Coronavirus Normality? What’s normal?

Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
005 Coronavirus Normality? What's normal?

Overview It is strange times in which we’re all living. None of us has ever experienced anything like this “Coronavirus normality”. This time we discuss the things that have changed, what will continue to be different and what we can learn from this new normal. Take away actions Think smarter

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Supermarket sustainability heroes or villains

004 Supermarket sustainability, Heroes or villains?

Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
004 Supermarket sustainability, Heroes or villains?

Overview The last 50 years have seen a fundamental shift in the way we all shop for groceries. We used to go to the bakers, the butchers, the grocers, the chemists and the newsagents but instead we now go to Tesco, Aldi, Lidl, Sainbury’s Walmart, Carrefour and Yonghui! In this

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Unhealthy cheap junk food

Poorest households spend 74% to eat well

The poorest 10% of UK households would need to spend 74% of their disposable income on food to meet the Eatwell Guide costs – the Government’s official healthy eating guide Source:

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Million Plastic Bottles

A million plastic bottles are bought every single minute

A million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute and the number will jump another 20% by 2021 Annual consumption of plastic bottles is set to top half a trillion by 2021, far outstripping recycling efforts and jeopardising oceans, coastlines and other environments Source:

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