Building good business relationships

How can you build Good Business Relationships? First have a listen and learn how not to!

Good relationships in business is essential for success. Setting and understanding clear boundaries in business relationships will have a fundamental impact on all aspects of business, from staff morale, to the day to day running of a business.


Garth Wader

Technology Guru for Sydeline

Personal Profile

Colour :  Blue
Artist :  Depeche Mode, U2
Phobia : Coulrophobia (fear of clowns)
Food : Chilli Nachos
Drink: Cup of Tea

"DPIA18, which is what I like to call the little beauty" - Garth Wader, IT

Blue Sky Stinking Podcast - EP? Tweet

Garth is… 30 something, Mid-Atlantic, know it all (cause he does). Doesn’t like Star wars or get any of the puns put his way. Way too intelligent and informed, no common sense. “Technology will fix it” is his motto.

Blue Sky Stinking

Building Business Relationships

Good relationships in business is essential for success. Setting and understanding clear boundaries in business relationships will have a fundamental impact on all aspects of business, from staff morale, to the day to day running of a business.  

However, family and business can have it’s issues.  How free are you to criticize or discipline a family member professionally.  These relationships need careful consideration when starting a business.

In the case of Sydeline, the line is very blurred between Zelda and Nero. Zelda trusts her father to do the right thing by her but is this expected, blind faith or simply being naive? Nero understands his daughter fully and has always supported her. Is he being cruel to be kind in his attempts to hamper her success? or has he underestimated her drive. Sure, she is lacking in certain skill sets but with Jakob as a mentor and walking bank machine, can she pull it off?!

Then there is the business relationship between Zelda and Jakob. Jakob has a soft spot for Zelda, which is certainly colouring his judgement when it comes to financial support. With a lot at stake, Jakob needs to remind Zelda that she is actually in competition with her father. Whilst he’s at it, he also needs to develop a clear understanding between the two of them. 

Gydeline, and expert guests, will talk about such topics including the importance of confidentiality in contractual relationships. Blue Sky Stinking is a brilliant business podcast for 2019, talking all things business with humorous undertones. 

How Gydeline helps

We, at Gydeline, help small and medium sized organisations save money and time by building systems, processes and policies that simplify their business and support their sustainability aims.  We do this with a range of services.

If you would like to discuss any aspects of dealing with this and other risks in your business we are always happy to offer some, free, no obligation assistance – just contact us.

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