Post archive - ecosystem

Ecosystem defined

Ecosystem defined

An ecosystem is made up from many different elements. Problems arise when these elements are out of balance. As humans our interventions on ecosystems around the world are causing catastrophic damage to other natural elements.

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Green Elephant Show No 36 covering the latest sustainability news

Bill Gates climate suggestions, Ikea forever furniture, MiApparel, Tyre recycling – Sustainability News 17th February

Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
Bill Gates climate suggestions, Ikea forever furniture, MiApparel, Tyre recycling - Sustainability News 17th February

The latest sustainability news, fun, facts and reviews from the Green Elephant for 17th February 2021. Top stories: 01:04 – Bill Gates: These 5 concepts will help you understand the urgency of the climate crisis 14:59 – Ikea’s Ambitious Plan To Make Its Cheap Furniture Last Forever 08:49 Challenge update

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