Post archive - risk

Blue Sky Stinking Episode 12

BSS12 – Take A Chance On Me – Risk Management

Blue Sky Stinking
Blue Sky Stinking
BSS12 - Take A Chance On Me - Risk Management

As season one draws to a close, a slow realisation is dawning on the Sydeline team that running a business may not be a simple as they first thought!

Then there’s the small matter of having proper meetings, even a board and, oh yes, who is taking the risk on all this?

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Real life business calamities

Real Life Business Calamities

Every business suffers from real life business calamities. Sometimes it’s unavoidable loss of a key member of the team. Maybe the biggest customers finds a cheaper, or shudder the thought, better company to deal with. There is always a risk that something can go wrong – it’s how you deal with it that counts.

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