Sherbot Holmes and the Game of Security

Not many people will know this about me (Dr Botson being the exception), but I occasionally like to dabble in the odd computer game – those escape room ones are a particular favourite!

I was concerned to hear that some of my personal details might have been exposed by a major games retailer earlier this year. It could be that details such as my password, emails and even credit card details were now in the hands of online thieves!

I had both sold and purchased games with the high street retailer so was horrified to find out that my details, along with 2 million other customers, had been stolen by computer hackers.

The implications of this are huge! My details could be used to fake my identity (there is only one Sherbot Holmes!). My credit card details could be used to make purchases. Perhaps worst of all is that my password could be used to access this and other online accounts. I’d like to say I’m better than everybody else, but who doesn’t reuse a password now and again?

Further the implications for the retailer were very damaging. Headline grabbing stories appeared on the BBC, Guardian and other major news outlets – not exactly great PR!

So what, have I learned from this case?

An organisation might have lots of security measures but there is always the possibility that they can be compromised. Doing good things such as Cyber Essentials and GDPR is great but we all need to take personal responsibility for our personal information.

As a precaution I’ve decided that both myself and Dr Botson need to tighten up our online activities. We shall be:

  1. Changing our passwords to be stronger, including numbers, letter, symbols and making them longer.
  2. Using different passwords for every service/website that we use.
  3. Making sure that Dr Botson stops making notes of his passwords on pieces of paper and in the back of his diary.
  4. Stopping the sharing of passwords with each other.
  5. Close accounts when we no longer need them.
  6. Only use organisations who show a good, proactive and ethical approach to the protection of my information.

Cases like this remain a salutary warning for organisations that neglect IT security and protection of personal information. Loss of data such as this can lead to a big dent in profits as well as significant reputational damage.

Of course, you could always do what Sherbot does and check with the Gydeline software to ensure you remain compliant!

Case closed!

How Gydeline helps

We, at Gydeline, help small and medium sized organisations save money and time by building systems, processes and policies that simplify their business and support their sustainability aims.  We do this with a range of services.

If you would like to discuss any aspects of dealing with this and other risks in your business we are always happy to offer some, free, no obligation assistance – just contact us.

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