Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
Better Business Interview S2 - Jeff Seckendorf from Coach Me Strong

Hello and welcome to our second series of Green Elephant Better Business interviews.

Better Businesses look beyond profit and strive to focus on social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit with their purpose.

Throughout this series, we are chatting with key people in organisations that have chosen to work towards making themselves, or helpings others, run Better Businesses.

00:35 Interview with Jeff Seckendorf from Coach Me Strong

  • 01:50 Elephant in the room question – Is Hollywood as ‘Hollywood’ as all us brits think it is?
  • 03:43 A trainer from the very start
  • 04:28 Two and a half decades of teaching
  • 04:50 Learnt and trained others to present content
  • 05:09 The classical definition of education
    • Creating a change in behaviour in your students
    • Getting that change to stick
  • 06:05 A move into Scuba training (UTD Scuba Diving)
  • 08:05 Could you teach anything? (The Training Cycle)
  • 09:21 Some good at content and not presenting, they teach the stuff and not present it effectively
  • 10:38 Can anyone teach?
  • 11:26 Coach Me Strong
  • 12:15 Two reasons to start a company…
    • Share a passion
    • Fill a niche
  • 12:55 The COVID need – supporting people with Parkinson’s
  • 14:26 From a masters athlete to neurological athletes
  • 16:00 Training physiologists to build programmes of exercise
  • 17:28 Why is Parkinson’s such a specific niche?
  • 18:10 The bicycle one of the best exercises
  • 19:10 Doctors tell their patients they need to exercise, we teach them how
  • 20:00 What kinds of exercise do you encourage?
  • 21:15 Designed the programme around being locked in your house
  • 21:40 Control of exercise enthusiasm?
  • 22:18 The unexpected benefit for the carer!
  • 23:28 The danger of misunderstanding the disease
  • 25:05 Important to inspire
  • 25:40 Are people scared to come forward with a condition like Parkinson’s to their employer
  • 27:50 A vision of European healthcare
  • 28:30 Introductions from primary healthcare – should businesses take a more active role in employee health?
  • 29:58 Normal US business does one thing
  • 32:00 Reactive is wonderful, but we need proactive
  • 34:00 Anyone out there able to work out an ROI on proactive health support in business?
  • 34:30 Can we use your services in the UK and Europe?
  • 35:33 A daily access to a coach!
  • 37:42 This is not just a programme for people with Parkinson’s…
  • 38:15 Gen OW = Generation Older Wiser
  • 40:03 Exercise doesn’t make you stronger during the exercise, it makes you stronger in the recovery
  • 40:48 Structured variety is the spice of life…

41:23 Tip/Action

  • Whatever level of fitness you have now, it can be better – so get a coach

43:06 Recommendation


Mastery by George Leonard

48:18 Fact or Fake


Find Jeff Seckendorf, Coach Me Strong, The Training Cycle and UTD Scuba Diving here:

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