Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
B Corp Month 2021 Interview - Karen Hoskin from Montanya Distillers

Hello and welcome to our special series of Green Elephant interviews during March 2021, supporting the annual B Corps month.

B Corporations, or B Corps for short, are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose

Throughout March, we are chatting with key people in companies which have chosen to certify as B Corps and become a Force for Good.

00:31 Interview with Karen Hoskin from Montaya Distillers

  • 01:19 Is Montanya Rum better than Jamaican Rum?
  • 02:22 What makes you different?
  • 03:21 Traditional techniques
  • 04:13 Every aspect of the company has been assessed
  • 04:49 Certified Plastic Neutral
  • 05:06 Involvement from the sugar cane onwards
  • 06:08 How about the glass?
  • 06:22 Cradle to Cradle glass manufacturer
  • 07:44 Why not plastic bottles?
  • 08:00 Striking a balance – like wrangling a basket of octopuses!
  • 09:18 Carbon Offsetting
  • 09:52 Terrapass projects
  • 12:10 The Ganesha Cookstove Project
  • 13:30 Generate all of your own energy by wind – partnership with Arcadia
  • 14:55 Diversity, what’s your approach?
  • 18:00 Regional scarcity of certain diversity
  • 20:00 Building a diverse community and supportive company structure
  • 21:11 Past employment stories from employees
  • 22:40 Is transparency important?
  • 23:58 The J-1 Exchange Visitor Programme Visa
  • 24:55 Impact Assessment – top 10% of companies 2019
  • 25:48 Why go down the B Corps route?
  • 27:40 In the recertification process
  • 28:40 What to do with biowaste?
  • 30:13 Is improvement straightforward?

32:47 Action

  • Don’t think of B Corps as a destination and think long term
  • Check out Hoskin Capital for better investment too

37:28 Recommendation

40:44 Fact or Fake


Find Karen Hoskin and Montanya Distillers here:

Watch the video

We really hope that you’ve found this special B Corp Month episode both informative and entertaining. Make sure you don’t miss any of the 31 interviews with B Corporations who are striving to be a Force for Good.