Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
B Corp Month 2021 Interview - Bri Decker from Avocado Green Mattress

Hello and welcome to our special series of Green Elephant interviews during March 2021, supporting the annual B Corps month.

B Corporations, or B Corps for short, are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose

Throughout March, we are chatting with key people in companies which have chosen to certify as B Corps and become a Force for Good.

00:35 Interview with Bri Decker from Avocado Green Mattress

  • 01:42 Spread across the USA – always the case?
  • 02:40 How a baby can inspire business…
  • 03:39 Background in bedding?
  • 04:25 Loaded question: What does Green Mean?
  • 05:24 A plethora of certifications
  • 07:26 Why is certification so important?
  • 08:24 Light bulb moment
  • 09:45 What a vision!
  • 11:28 Climate Neutral… tough?
  • 13:20 Bri’s role in the B Corp certification
  • 13:54 How hard was the process – when to start?
  • 15:02 “Build the Brand as a B Corp”
  • 15:49 The supply chain investment
  • 18:01 Why become a B Corp?
  • 19:28 Why the B Corp movement is valued
  • 21:41 The change in US President – good?
  • 23:40 World powers have to lead in the change

24:27 Recommendation

  • B Corps Climate Justice Playbook

25:39 Action

  • Journalling every day, with digital prompts – Challenge yourself, reflect on what you write and make changes
  • Note prompts and ask yourself questions

27:30 Fact or Fake


Find Bri Decker and Avocado Green Mattress here:

Watch the video

We really hope that you’ve found this special B Corp Month episode both informative and entertaining. Make sure you don’t miss any of the 31 interviews with B Corporations who are striving to be a Force for Good.