
The Gydeline logo reflects the simplicity and clarity that are at the core of our company values.
It contains a couple of simple elements. The text or ‘wordmark’ is based around the Plymdale font. The trademarked ‘Y Mark’ logo reflects our open and inclusive nature.
Closely following these logo guidelines will ensure a consistent brand identity. These guidelines and artwork should not be altered.
Logo Elements

Y Mark
This representation of a person with their arms outstretched forms the basis of several logo derivations. The basis for the shape is the underlying font letter ‘Y’.
The Y Mark element can be used in isolation:


Free Space

In the majority of cases logos should be placed in the upper left corner of documentation & presentation materials. It should be the primary design element at the top of any page. Headers or other graphics that detract from this should not be used.
When used as a main or heading logo left alignment should be used. Centred or right alignment should only be used where the logo is used on the body of a document or is subservient to another logo/brand.
Incorrect Use
- Change the spacing between elements or characters within the logo
- Change the colour of any element of the logo
- Rearrange any of the logo elements
- Place the logo at any angle
- Change the aspect ratio of the logo