Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
Sustainability News 21st October

The latest sustainability news, fun, facts and reviews from the Green Elephant for 21st October 2020.

Top stories:

01:16 – Apple ditching chargers saves costs but not the planet
01:16 – Apple should switch the iPhone to USB-C if it really wants to help the environment
01:16 – Apple aims to save the environment, one wall charger at a time
41:32 – New study finds eco-glitter just as damaging as ordinary glitter

Recommendation – Vevember:

06:55 – The Green Elephant is going vegan for November. We’re adopting  vegan diet and report back each week on the show to share our progress and experiences

Company News:

11:28 – Asda launches ‘greener price’ promise and sustainability store
13:30 – Thrive Market is Largest Online Grocer to Receive B-Corp Certification
14:43 – Make climate risk reports mandatory for 480 FTSE firms, say investors

People News:

16:27 – Public Trust in Sustainability Reporting is Rising Sharply
18:09 – Go read about the dire working conditions for Ring’s call center employees in the Philippines

Sustainable Technology News:

20:00 – Researchers test seawater air conditioning as a renewable cooling alternative
22:14 – How 2 gadgets are going to change China – and the world
24:05 – Lab-grown meat project gets first taste of EU public funds
25:12 – Australian plant-based meat startup v2food gobbles up $55 million in Series B funding
27:04 – Uber pledges £5m toward electric vehicle charging points in London

Environmental Sustainability News:

28:17 – World’s largest Arctic expedition returns with grim news
29:28 – The Great Barrier Reef has lost 50% of its corals to climate change
30:15 – Polyethylene: new catalyst breaks it down to boost value
32:11 – Bottle-fed babies swallow millions of microplastics a day, study finds
33:31 – Japan to release 1m tonnes of contaminated Fukushima water into the sea

35:07 Action Alley:

Buy second hand clothes

Some Tips:
  • Go secondhand shopping with your friends or have a swap party.
  • There are loads of apps/communities for buying local and second hand.
  • Secondhand are often better quality than new and will last longer.
  • You will still probably buy some new clothing – that’s ok. Just try to help by reducing pollution from the new items you buy.

39:46 Highlight Lowlight

Lowlight – In the US 500,000 animals are killed per hour for meat

Highlight – Boaty McBoatface polar research ship set to begin sea trials

43:35 BCorp Spotlight

Be sure to check out Leap who do some amazing work as well as being a great BCorp!

45:47 – Listener Feedback


48:19 Behind the Scenes

The latest thoughts, plans and projects that are going on behind the scenes at the Green Elephant


50:45 Fact or Fake?

Vegan themed

  1. Being vegan is now a human right
  2. Veganism was officially created in 1844, when a group of vegetarians left the Leicester Vegetarian Society and created their own group, the Vegan Society
  3. There are various types of vegans, including dietary vegans, whole-food vegans, raw-food vegans. But is there such a thing as a junk food vegan?
  4. One of the first vegetarians was Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician, and philosopher. Back then, the term “Pythagorean diet” was used to designate plant-based diets.
  5. The first animal-free cookery book, Kitchen Philosophy for Vegetarians, was published in England in 1849

And finally:

55:10 – Over half UK’s 24m Halloween pumpkins destined for food waste

Thanks for listening to this weeks sustainability news.

If you have any stories we should be discussing get in touch @greenelepod or