The latest sustainability news, fun, facts and reviews from the Green Elephant for 18th November 2020.
Top stories:
01:00 – UK 10 point climate action plan
13:38 – Launching the search for the Gretas of the future
06:20 Vevember update
11:43 Recommendation:
Find and support BCorps in your area/industry. Search the BCorps directory.
Company News:
18:03 – Food tech startup Zero Egg raises $5 million in Series A funding to offer plant-based eggs to consumers
19:40 – Logitech to Include Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic in 50% of Mice and Keyboards
21:00 – High carbon emissions predicted for Black Friday
Sustainable Technology News:
23:07 – Coles soft plastics recycled in carpark concrete
24:04 – This waterproof outerwear is made with fishing nets and nylon waste
25:08 – Smelly but smart: ships to use ammonia as “zero-carbon” fuel
Other Sustainability News:
26:37 – 1% of people cause half of global aviation emissions – study
27:30 – First murder hornet nest found to have 200 queens capable of spawning new nests
28:44 – Pet flea treatments poisoning rivers across England, scientists find
30:23 – Covid in Scotland: Social distancing ‘could wreck mountain footpaths’
31:20 Action Alley:
Work our your cost per wear or cost per use.
Cost per wear of a classic denim jacket
34:13 BCorp Spotlight
37:14 – Listener Feedback
We discussed being an imperfect vegan on the show last week. Loads of people have been in touch, including @ecofriendlystufff.co.uk @_.george._athanasiou @eco_vibess and @blending2vegan. Especially liked @eco_dinos who apparently went vegan overnight! And @compostablestuff who gave us the term “freegan” – vegan unless it’s free!!
We posted a story to social about scientists wanting to induce global warming on Mars to make it habitable! This was met with universal derision, @walk_the_amazon suggested we should just make the earth work, while @alex.ludlow4 and @cigcarw_llyn_venison had a lively debate about the madness and whether it was up to Bezos, Musk and others to resolve!
41:09 Fact or Fake?
Electric vehicle themed.
- There are more electric car charging points than petrol stations in the UK
- The first electric car was invented in 1832
- Electric cars are cheaper to insure than petrol, diesel or gas
- Half a Million Plug-In Electric Cars Were Sold In China In 2019
- In 2019 China accounted for 50% of all electric vehicle sales
And finally:
45:14 – Urban gulls target school break times for food, says report
45:55 – Orange-bellied parrot: best year in a decade for critically endangered bird
Thanks for listening to this weeks sustainability news.
If you have any stories we should be discussing get in touch @greenelepod or studio@greenelephant.show