Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
2020 hottest year yet, Best place to be a vegan, Circular computing, 100 days in the same dress - Sustainability News 13th January

The latest sustainability news, fun, facts and reviews from the Green Elephant for 13th January 2020.

Top stories:

01:10 – 2020 Ties 2016 as Hottest Yet
14:32 – Top cities and countries for vegans

05:59 Challenge update

We asked our audience what they would do with an old iPhone. Some of the suggestions were:

One of the items we need to resolve is leads & cables – loads of them

  • Take it to local household recycling centre
  • Strip the plastic off and recycle the metal
  • Apparently schools need it for science projects. . . .
  • If we were in the US then Best Buy would take it
  • Ask if someone else needs them?
  • eRecycling companies will pay you for your waste. . .

Government News

20:40 – Trump administration reverses migratory bird protections
21:55 – Greta Thunberg criticises Boris Johnson’s green revolution
18:55 – Trump administration’s sale of Arctic refuge drilling rights labeled an “epic failure”

Company News:

23:26 – By 2035, all new cars sold in Massachusetts must be electric
24:36 – Dove Launches its First Refillable Deodorant in Effort to Cut Plastic Use
26:07 – World’s Largest Utility-Scale Battery Energy Storage System Now Online
27:25 – Bloomberg and Rockefeller Asset Management Launch ESG Improvers Index

Sustainable Technology News:

28:23 – Rolloe is a bike wheel that filters outdoor air while you cycle
29:40 – Stored Energy from a Nissan Leaf Powers Historic Denver Building
30:52 – Mapping coral reefs from space
32:07 – Gene editing of crops and livestock may soon be permitted in England
33:42 – Saudi Arabian City to Include Zero Cars, Zero Streets, Zero Carbon Emissions

Other Sustainability News:

35:40 – Most Europeans plan to curb flying, eat less meat for climate, EU poll says
36:35 – UK allows emergency use of bee-harming pesticide

38:21 Interview with Steve Haskew from Circular Computing

We welcome Steve Haskew from Circular Computing onto the show to discuss laptop recycling, ewaste, sustainability, education, vaccination and more.

Find Steve: LinkedIn | Website

01:03:45 – Book Recommendation –  Catherine Wheetman A Circular Economy Handbook: How to Build a More Resilient, Competitive and Sustainable Business

01:07:26 Eco-tips

3 Technology tips you can do today:

  1. Unsubscribe for newsletters and mailing lists
  2. Use technology to reduce the amount of paper you use – go digital
  3. Delete old files and emails – less storage and less cloud energy

If you would like to come on the show and share some eco tips, please get in touch.

01:11:14 Recommendation

Go watch The BBC Horizon documentary: Feast to Save the Planet.

01:14:08 Fact or Fake?

Tech recycling themed with guest Steve Haskew.

  1. Just 10% of e-waste is actually recycled
  2. If all e-waste was laptops, worldwide, we would be throwing out 650 per second
  3. It’s the LCD TV & computer screens along with the good old cathode ray tubes which are the most hazardous of ewaste
  4. 67% of the worlds population have a mobile device (Smartphone and cell phones)
  5. There are 362 chemicals in and LCD screen – nearly 100 of them are potentially toxic

And finally:

01: 19:39 – Woman has worn same dress for 100 days – and vows never to buy clothes again

Thanks for listening to this weeks sustainability show!.

If you have any stories we should be discussing get in touch @greenelepod or