Day: 16 January 2021

Laptop eWaste

Laptop eWaste

In addition to food and clothing we humans also throw away an astonishing amount of eWaste. Would it be equivalent to 650 laptops per second? Or did we make that up?

Planet Plug is coming

Planet Plug is coming

We’re very excited to be working on an innovative new product with our sister company, Planet Devices. More info will be coming soon along with details about how you can get involved with our crowdfund. Make sure to follow and subscribe to @greenelepod for updates.

Rolloe Clean Air Cycling

Clean Air Cycling

A brilliant new innovation from Rolloe means that you can clean the air whilst you cycle. On the show this week we asked whether these should just be installed on every city cycle scheme in the world?

Best places to be vegan

Best places to be vegan

@chefspencil have released their survey of the best places to be vegan. Portland tops the list for the best city and the UK is the best country. To see the full list follow the link from our show page and make sure to subscribe!