
1. General

Clean, simple, aspirational, natural and people are the key themes for imagery and photographs used by Gydeline.  Where captions and text are used these need to be clear, simple black and white – simple asides and overlays.
An interesting headline

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut abore et dolore magna

Man looking out onto mountain

An interesting headline

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

“Thanks to Gydeline, I now understand my impact on the planet”​


Girl in front of lake
Video cap of man with beard

We go behind the scenes headline

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Bamboo toothbrushes in jar

Many of the illustrations used on the Gydeline website are from Freepik Storyset. We are very grateful to be able to use this fantastic resource.

2. Lines & Borders

Our preference is to not use lines and borders. When they are required they should be in simple, muted brand colours and appropriate to the context. A border radius is also required, 10px as standard but dependent on size of image.
Solid, 1px, #CBCDCE
Solid, 1px, #666C6D
Solid, 1px, #00738f

3. Backgrounds

Backgrounds are not common with preference being for white. On the occasion that emphasis is needed for an element a light grey or teal background can be used.

A headline for emphasis

A headline for emphasis

4. Screenshots

Thin grey border (1px, solid, #CBCDCE), 10px padding between border and image

List of policy statements

5. Charts & Graphs

Clarity of information should be paramount in any charts of graphs, whilst maintaining the brand feel and scheme

Graphs and charts
Graphs and charts

6. Avatars

Simple square user images with 5px rounded corners

Standard sizes

Gydeline avatar sizes

Example usage

Gydeline avatar use