Post archive - methane

Feeding seaweed to cows

Feeding seaweed to cows

A study this week found that feeding small amounts of seaweed to cows can drastically reduce their methane emissions, which is great news as far as the planet is concerned.

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Green Elephant Show No 65 covering the latest sustainability news

China & US collaborate on climate, Sports-washing, Spotify carbon removal, methane bombs – Sustainability News for 24th March 2021

Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
China & US collaborate on climate, Sports-washing, Spotify carbon removal, methane bombs - Sustainability News for 24th March 2021

The latest sustainability news, fun, facts and reviews from the Green Elephant for 24th March 2021. Since it’s B Corp month here at the Green Elephant Show, this week is all about the news – hopefully still fun! If you want facts, reviews and interviews take a look at our

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Cow methane

Cow methane

The easiest way to find out the correct answer to our Fact or Fakes is to subscribe and listen to the podcast each week. We are however going to reveal some answers from a few months back. . . .71% of listeners got this one correct. FACT.

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Green Elephant Sustainability News 21st August 2020

Sustainability News 21st August

Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
Sustainability News 21st August

The latest sustainability news from the Green Elephant for 21st August 2020. Top stories: Facebook tells Elizabeth Warren it has two different standards for climate fact-checking Facebook left 6,500 gallons of drilling fluid off the coast of Oregon World’s highest temperature, 130F, recorded in Death Valley New Research Shows Companies

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Green Elephant Sustainability News 31st July 2020

Sustainability News 31st July

Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
Sustainability News 31st July

The latest sustainability news from the Green Elephant for 31st July 2020. Top stories: Climate stories on social media – can they be believed? Nepals plans to turn fog into filtered water Plastic waste flows into the ocean set to triple by 2040 – is this as bad as it

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