Green Elephant Show
Green Elephant Show
B Corp Month 2021 Interview - Mark Sapsford & James Pugh from CapEQ

Hello and welcome to our special series of Green Elephant interviews during March 2021, supporting the annual B Corps month.

B Corporations, or B Corps for short, are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose

Throughout March, we are chatting with key people in companies which have chosen to certify as B Corps and become a Force for Good.

01:45 Interview with Mark Sapsford and James Pugh from CapEQ

  • 01:53 Pretty Woman – Which is which?
  • 02:05 Mergers and Acquistions Boutique?
  • 03:40 Not a typically ethical business
  • 05:20 Understanding the business owner journey
  • 07:16 Clients are people
  • 09:40 What brought about CapEq?
  • 10:56 B Corp – Just an ethical banner?
  • 11:49 – What’s the M&A Hot Potato?
  • 12:58 Private equity’s mixed reputation
  • 14:27 Sustainability is a broad subject…
  • 16:10 Are the legal profession moving from the wet-signature?
  • 18:18 The B Corp movement is amazing
  • 20:29 B Corp Pending… what’s that?
  • 23:03 Got to want to do it – is it easy?
  • 25:00 What’s the value of being a B Corp?
  • 27:45 It’s not a one-time thing
  • 29:19 Talk to us early in your business journey

30:15 Fact or Fake

  1. The oldest business in England is the Royal Mint founded in 886AD – the oldest business in Ireland is called Seans Bar (FACT) 
  2. The Haliade-X Wind Turbine from General Electric – each rotation takes 7.8 secs and can power an average UK home for 4 hours (FACT)
  3. In 2020 there were 1059 business per 10,000 residents in the UK – 17% of these businesses were owned by women (FAKE)
    1. 17% of these businesses were owned by women in 2016 but raised to 32.37% by 2020 (FACT)
  4. If you took all of the money invested in sustainable investment funds out as cash, it would pay off the Gross National Debt of the USA (FAKE)
    1. Amount of money in investment funds that have sustainability as a key asset = $40.8 Trillion; that would pay off the debt of USA, UK and Europe! (FACT)

38:56 Action

  • Turn on the subtitles on the TV to improve children’s literacy
  • Unsubscribe to unwanted emails


Find Mark Sapsford and James Pugh and CapEQ here:


Watch the video

We really hope that you’ve found this special B Corp Month episode both informative and entertaining. Make sure you don’t miss any of the 31 interviews with B Corporations who are striving to be a Force for Good.