They Deserve It, as do you

Ok, ok, a tenuous use of the GDPR synonym… hmmm what can I do with this.  Here you go…

Did you know that just stroking a dog can drop your blood pressure – check this out!

Did you also now that stress can increase blood pressure – proof!

Did you know that using our tool to identify the actions you need for complying with GDPR is like stroking a dog (ish).

Ergo, our service could reduce your blood pressure (no evidence available) and long term use can improve the wellbeing of your business.


How Gydeline helps

We, at Gydeline, help small and medium sized organisations save money and time by building systems, processes and policies that simplify their business and support their sustainability aims.  We do this with a range of services.

If you would like to discuss any aspects of dealing with this and other risks in your business we are always happy to offer some, free, no obligation assistance – just contact us.

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