
Electricity from Oranges

Electricity from Oranges

Great news from Seville this week as the city plans to put its waste oranges to good use. The oranges, which famously grow all over the city, are quite bitter and most usually go to waste. Now the authorities are collecting them and using the gases from the rotting fruits to create electricity. Well done …

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Email per day

Email per day

Each one of the vast number of emails we send each day generates a tiny carbon footprint. This is a significant issue due to the volume of messages. But how many per day are there??

Video conferencing growth

Video conferencing growth

Lockdowns and effects of global pandemic have led to a fundamental change in working arrangements for many people. Time will tell if this is a good thing. One side effect has been the use of video conferencing services such as Microsoft Teams. It has grown but how much?

Carbon Credits defined

Carbon Credits defined

Carbon Credits are more often than not misunderstood. In our experience most people think they are the same thing as a Carbon Offset (see previous definition). Credits assume that carbon has been reduced elsewhere to then allows the purchaser to emit more.

Kyoto Protocol defined

Kyoto Protocol defined

The Kyoto Protocol is admirable in what it is seeking to achieve – the issue is that it has no teeth, no legally binding terms to compel action from the signed up parties. Tracking and reporting of changes towards the target are also minimal.

Green definition

Green definition

I know we’re supposed to love the word “Green”. Heck, we even have it in the title of our show! However we really don’t like the way the word has been used and abused by those wanting to put across various unethical intentions. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone who used the word green was …

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Slavery in Clothing Supply Chains

Slavery in Clothing Supply Chains

It is 2021 people! Amazing to think that modern slavery still exists. Even more astounding is that clothing retailers are aware of it, yet it is still there. How bad is this – 60% of retailers aware? More? Or less?

Eco-friendly definition

Eco-friendly definition

Eco-friendly is in our opinion one of the most widely abused terms in the sustainability sphere. When trying to define what it meant we realised why that is. It doesn’t mean any thing specific. Be careful of the terms you use and the meaning you want to convey.

Ecosystem defined

Ecosystem defined

An ecosystem is made up from many different elements. Problems arise when these elements are out of balance. As humans our interventions on ecosystems around the world are causing catastrophic damage to other natural elements.